Tuesday, June 5, 2012


Switch is an electronic component that is included in the input or set the current component due to the switch's function is to connect and disconnect the current flowing. On the switch there are two types of switch contacts is NO (Normally Open) and the switch is NC (Normally Close)

Sunday, June 3, 2012


Resistors are electronic components poles designed to withstand electrical currents to produce electric voltage between two  poles, the voltage value of the resistance is proportional to the current flowing, according to Ohm's law:

Friday, June 1, 2012



The transformer is a component of an electromagnet that can change the level of an AC voltage to a level that lain. Transformer or transformers are passive components are made of laminated wire coils, transformers have primary and secondary coils. Comparison of the number of windings and the diameter of the coils of wire on the primary and secondary will affect the comparison of current and voltage magnitude. The transformer consists of an iron core, primary coil and secondary coil. Sense transformers have two terminals, namely, the input terminal located on the primary coil, and the output terminal located on the secondary coil. With the transformer, generator (380 Volts), the transmission line (150 kV) electrical load and the load (220/230 Volt) can work simultaneously on different voltages.

The working principle of transformer

The transformer consists of two coils (primary and secondary) that is inductive. Both coils are electrically separate but magnetically connected through lines that have reluctance (reluctance) is low. If the primary coil is connected to the alternating voltage source is alternating flux will appear in the laminated core, because the coil form a closed network of the primary current flows. Due to the flux in the primary coil primary coil occurred at induction (self induction) and there were also induced in the secondary coil due to the influence of the induction coil called the primary or joint induction (mutual induction) that led to the emergence of magnetic flux in the secondary coil, the current flows secondary if the secondary circuit on overload, so that electrical energy can be transferred whole (the magnetization). The coils are connected with a source of alternating current is called the primary coil (input) and the other coil is called the secondary coil (output). Strong change of current in the coil primary cause changes in magnetic flux in the iron core. Change of magnetic flux in the iron core generate an emf induced in the secondary coil.

Es = Ns/Np . Ep

Ep : Es = Np : Ns

So if the secondary coil winding number greater than the number of primary coil winding, the secondary voltage is greater than the primary voltage (step-up transformer).
We assume no electrical energy is lost in the displacement of the primary coil to secondary coil is then:

Es .Is . t = Ep . Ip . t

Is = Ep / Es . Ip

Is = Np / Ns  . Ip

Ip : Is = Ns : Np

Of the relationship can be seen that if the number of windings on the secondary coil more, strong currents in the secondary coil is smaller than the strong current in the primary coil. In the secondary coil electric welding equipment consists of only a few turns only, hence the current is very large. Large currents capable of generating enormous heat.

Wednesday, May 30, 2012


Diode is an electronic component having a semiconductor junction pieces, often referred to as component 2 layers (layer N and P). Diode is a semiconductor which can only deliver electrical current and voltage in one direction only. Basic material for the manufacture of diodes are Germanium (Ge) and Silicon / Silsilum (Si).

Tuesday, May 29, 2012


Transistor through-hole 

         Transistor is a semiconductor device used as an amplifier, a circuit breaker and connecting (switching), voltage stabilization, signal modulation or the other function. Such transistors can function electric valve, which is based on its input current (BJT) or input voltage (FET), enabling highly accurate power flux from the source of the electrical circuit.
         In general, the transistor has three terminals. Voltage or current that is installed in a terminal set up a larger current through the two other terminals. Transistor is a very important component in modern electronic world. In analog circuits, transistors used in amplifier. Analog circuits surrounding the speaker, the power source is stable, and the radio signal booster.

A. How a transistor

         Of the many types of modern transistors, initially there are two basic types of transistors, bipolar junction transistor (BJT or bipolar transistor) and field-effect transistor (FET),which each works differently.
         Bipolar transistor is so named because its main conduction channel uses two polarity of the charge carriers: electrons and holes, to carry electric current. In a BJT, the main electric current must pass through a region / boundary layer called the depletion zone, and the thickness of this layer can be set at high speed in order to regulate the flow of the mainstream.
         FET (also called a unipolar transistor) using only one type of charge carriers (electrons or holes, depending on the type FET). In the FET, the main electric current flowing in a narrow conduction channel with a depletion zone on either side (compared to the bipolar transistor where the base is cut the main power flow direction). And the thickness of the border can be changed by changing the applied voltage, to change the thickness of the conduction channel. See other article for each type for further explanation.

B. The types of transistor

Types of transistor

  1. BJT
  2. FET

Monday, May 28, 2012


         Capacitor or condenser (C) are the basic components of electronics are included in the passive components used to store electrical charges within a specified period.
         This capacitor is found by Mr. de Michael Faraday which is why the unit of the Farad capacitor. In general, a capacitor consists of two metal plates separated by an insulating material called the dielectric material is a vacuum of air, ceramic, glass, mica and other others. This second plate was given the same electric charge but is one of the positive and others negative.

Sunday, May 27, 2012

The basic components of electronics

The basic components of electronics

In studying the electronics we have to know first about the basic components / are often used in an electronic circuit. In the basic components for the two that we can