Sunday, June 3, 2012


Resistors are electronic components poles designed to withstand electrical currents to produce electric voltage between two  poles, the voltage value of the resistance is proportional to the current flowing, according to Ohm's law:


Including the resistor in the passive components. Resistor is used as part of electronic networks and electronic circuits, and is one of the most frequently used components. Resistor can be made of various compounds and films, even the resistance wire (wire made ​​of high resistivity alloys such as nickel-chromium)
Ohm (symbol: O) is the SI unit for electrical resistance, named after George Simon Ohm. Usually used the prefix m-ohms, kilo ohms and mega ohm.

The main function of the resistor is to resist electric current. But the more he explained the function of the resistor itself is:

1. distributor
2. lowering the voltage
3. voltage divider
            4. Inhibiting the flow of electric current

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