Monday, May 28, 2012


         Capacitor or condenser (C) are the basic components of electronics are included in the passive components used to store electrical charges within a specified period.
         This capacitor is found by Mr. de Michael Faraday which is why the unit of the Farad capacitor. In general, a capacitor consists of two metal plates separated by an insulating material called the dielectric material is a vacuum of air, ceramic, glass, mica and other others. This second plate was given the same electric charge but is one of the positive and others negative.

         Capacitance is defined as the ability of a capacitor to hold the charge of electrons. Coulombs in the 18th century calculates that 1 coulomb = 6.25 x 1018 electrons. Then Michael Faraday made the postulate that a capacitor will have a capacitance of 1 farad when a voltage of 1 volt can load as many as 1 electron charge coulombs. With the formula can be written. Apacitance is defined as the ability of a capacitor to hold the charge of electrons. Coulombs in the 18th century calculates that 1 coulomb = 6.25 x 1018 electrons. Then Michael Faraday made the postulate that a capacitor will have a capacitance of 1 farad when a voltage of 1 volt can load as many as 1 electron charge coulombs. With the formula can be written:

         Q = C.V
Q = Electron charge in C (coulombs) 
C = Capacitance values in F (farads) 
V = Of the voltage in V (volt) 
         1 Farad = 1.000.000 µF (micro Farad) 
         1 µF = 1.000.000 pF (piko Farad) 
         1 µF = 1.000 nF (nano Farad) 
         1 nF = 1.000 pF (piko Farad) 
         1 pF = 1.000 µµF (micro-micro Farad) 
         1 µF = 10-6 F 
         1 nF = 10-9 F 
         1 pF = 10-12 F 

         The capacitor consists of several types, depending on the dielectric materials. For more simple can be divided into three parts, namely electrostatic capacitors, electrolytic, and electrochemical. 
         1. Electrostatic capacitors 
         2. Electrolytic capacitors 
         3. Electrochemical capacitors 

            1. As the filter (filters) in the series Power Supply, 
            2. As the generator frequency in the antenna circuit in the circuit or other, 
            3. As the coupling between a single circuit with other circuit, 
            4. Eliminate the fire leap (bounce) of the load when the switch is installed 
            5. Save power, 
            6. reduce Noise, etc

             Working voltage is the maximum allowable voltage so that the capacitor can still work well. The electro-mania may have suffered a blown capacitor due to excess voltage. For example 10uF/25V capacitor, the voltage that can be given should not exceed 25 volts dc. If we force it, then it will explode capacitor because he does not work on. Voltage capacitors work on the DC voltage polar and non-polar capacitor works on AC voltage.

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