Tuesday, May 29, 2012


Transistor through-hole 

         Transistor is a semiconductor device used as an amplifier, a circuit breaker and connecting (switching), voltage stabilization, signal modulation or the other function. Such transistors can function electric valve, which is based on its input current (BJT) or input voltage (FET), enabling highly accurate power flux from the source of the electrical circuit.
         In general, the transistor has three terminals. Voltage or current that is installed in a terminal set up a larger current through the two other terminals. Transistor is a very important component in modern electronic world. In analog circuits, transistors used in amplifier. Analog circuits surrounding the speaker, the power source is stable, and the radio signal booster.

A. How a transistor

         Of the many types of modern transistors, initially there are two basic types of transistors, bipolar junction transistor (BJT or bipolar transistor) and field-effect transistor (FET),which each works differently.
         Bipolar transistor is so named because its main conduction channel uses two polarity of the charge carriers: electrons and holes, to carry electric current. In a BJT, the main electric current must pass through a region / boundary layer called the depletion zone, and the thickness of this layer can be set at high speed in order to regulate the flow of the mainstream.
         FET (also called a unipolar transistor) using only one type of charge carriers (electrons or holes, depending on the type FET). In the FET, the main electric current flowing in a narrow conduction channel with a depletion zone on either side (compared to the bipolar transistor where the base is cut the main power flow direction). And the thickness of the border can be changed by changing the applied voltage, to change the thickness of the conduction channel. See other article for each type for further explanation.

B. The types of transistor

Types of transistor

  1. BJT
  2. FET

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